Diskusia k téme Aké rádio vysiela na 99,2 MHz z Telkibánye?
We were operating the Rallye Radio on 99,2 MHz during Miskolc Rally. Certainly we had ORTT and NHH licence. The output power was 300W.
You can type: http://www.power.szm.sk/FM_hrana.xls and you can see all the frequencies from Telkibánya, which I mentioned. I hope, that they are correct. I was litlle surprised with the other planned frequencies from Hollóháza, so if you know something about it, let us know.
I know about just 99.2. ORTT didn't "wrote" contact for that freq. yet. Now 2 radios transmitting from T.banya: 90.2 MR1 and 100.6 Maria Radio.
What are thease 91.3 ; 93.3 ; 102.0? I think there is just 3 freqs for Telkibánya. In 102.0 there is Okey from Kosice.
Have you any information about planned frequencies from Telkibánya on 91.3, 93.3 99.2, 102.0 MHz? Which radio stations have got a plan to broadcast via this frequences? Thank you
In fact it was my guess. In the nineties a private radio broadcasted via a 1kW transitter on a 2000m mountain, which could be heard very far.
Some people said that it was 1-2kW but I don't know right datas..
Interesting. Do you have any information about the output power? This looks like pretty fancy equipment for such temporary radio station.
It was the Rally Radio. They get 3 day licence (or not), for freq. 99.2, because there was "Miskolc Rally" in that region.They transmitted from the 800m high Borsó-hegy (near Gönc). It had very big coverage. In Hernádnémeti where I am living, I could receive that with a simple "kitchenradio" too, but there was signal near Debrecen too.
Jedná sa o rádio s licenciou na 3 dni.
Čaute, neviete mi niekto napisat ake radio môžeme z frekvencie 99,2 zachytiť aj v Košiciach a širokom okolí? Hrajú celkom zaujímavú hudbu, trochu veľa však na môj vkus kecajú, čo mi nejako nevyhovuje, keďže po maďarsky neviem.
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