Diskusia k téme Rádio Tour

Radio Tour,za seba a kamosov a rodinu dakujem ze existujete,kto pocuva rock je coolooooolllll,drzim palce,,janco zo Sniny

kto vie prosim vas čo hrali dnes okolo 15.35 na TOUR za skupinu bolo to o nejake j žene a jej mužovi čo pil pivo.Naozaj veľmi vtipný text.

Keby mali rozum, davno by sa spojili s L pri propagovani Tatier a vysielani info blokov... Urcite by sa objavili na terasach, kupaliskach, v elektricke... Len keby sa chcelo...

uz nie je taky tvrdy rock, ale s touto staniciu by som riesil urcite viac ako jeden segment hudby, lebo vysielat pre nejaku 100-vku ludí je zbytocne rozhadzovanie penazi
Tvrdy rock by som dal ako jednu z moznosti internetoveho radia na web stanice
A zmenil by som urcite zvucky, ktore proste narozpraval vo verejnosti znamy "trtko" a takto sa prezentovat 0 bodov, tiez by sa zislo viac znamej hudby, alebo by prospela aj nejaka spolupraca s inymi stanicami

tak sa zda, ze dochadza k zmenam k lepsiemu.... uz nehraju tak tvrdo a je to celkom pocuvatelne.

stream funguje ! http://www.radiotour.sk/live/256 Inak Tour som krásne chytal asi 100 metrov od prameňa Hrona (pod sedlom Besník), RDS nabehlo...

Neviete čo je snimi? Streasm na internete nefunguje a vysielač neviem. Prosím vás povedzte mi čo sa snimi robí. Už som to rádio dlhšie nepočul a už mi to trochu chýba.

Dnes som si naladil TOUR medzi 15:00-16:00 a veľmi príjemná muzička Hadaway-What is love, Elan-Netrpezliv,Donna Summer-I feel love,David Guetta-Love is gone, Ine Kafe-Pribeh, uplne pohodová muzička len škoda,že sa tam nemoderuje...

Majú nový stream, je už nefunkčný.
Nový je http://www.radiotour.sk/live/256 alebo http://www.radiotour.sk/live/128

ani stream rádia Tour nešiel ? :-O

Čistá hudba sa počúva dobre, ale mne sa to viac páči, keď to aj niekto moderuje. Môj názor....
A máš pravdu, TOUR som aj ja počul hrať všelikde, RTI žiaľ nie. Na Youtube.com je video z námestia Sv. Egídia a tam hralo RTI. Konkrétne pred obchodom Sin"ra na námestí.

je totalne zbytocne sem davat.
Dajme tomu sa robi na vzorke 1500 ludi - z toho dajme tomu pripadne , ze 30 sa opytaju v Poprade. Z toho su tretina dochodcovia na SRo,dalsia tretina vodici co pocuvaju Expres kvoli dopravnemu servisu a zvysok sa mozno rozdeli. Snad 2 hlasy na TOUR ? Ja takym prieskumom neverim. I ja byt som dal ze pocuvam napr Expres - i ked su to len dopravne spravy a nic ine. I ked samotne radio za nic nestoji.

Dano: Praveze ja si myslim, ked cez den hraju iba hudbu, tak pri praci sa to lepsie pocuva. a napr. nasiel som v PP niekolko podnikov kde je naladeny tour, ale rti som nepocul nikde. Preto ma to zaujima.
Neviete niekto ci existuju grafy pocuvanosti vsetkych radii, nie iba prvych x najpocuvanejsich?

MT, ja si myslim, ze RADIO TOUR ma pocuvanost, iba ked maju relacie a tych je malo a su vysielanie a reprizovane vo vecernych hodinach.
Pocas bezneho, nemoderovaneho dna si myslim ze nedostahuju vysoku pocuvanost, aj ked z ich eteru sa ozyvaju slusne pesnicky.
Kedze RTI malo moderovane relacie 3-krat denne, tak vtedy si myslim ze mali vacsiu pocuvanost.

kedze diskusia sa pomaly meni na rti diskusiu, tak by ma zaujimalo, aku malo pocuvanost RTI v okolo PP. pripadne pre zaujimavost to porovnat s radiom TOUR, ked sme v diskusii o tomto radiu.

Nauc sa po slovensky alebo padaj od kial si prisiel. Som rad ze ta zacinaju ignorovat.

Diskusia RTI je tu:
A Eric ti uz aj napisal link, kde je "realny pribeh" RTI-SK. Skoda ze to nie je po slovensky, lebo to je pisane dost tazkou-profesionalnou anglictinou.

With respect Robert, people tune into RTI for the reason they decide to tune in. The idea that listening to radio is restricted to specific countries is not true today. I hava a radio that tunes into stations in the USA as well as other countries.
My point being, listeners control where stations are broadcasting. If they decide to listen to the BBC WS they do. Equally if people listen to RTI they do. Both stations are available to Slovak citizens, if the Slovak citizen wants them.
So radio broadcasting today is not restricted to countries. There are probably thousands of stations available to listeners in Slovakia.
What is clear is that the original agreement has been broken NOT by RTI. That has resulted in jobs going - a sad but true fact:
see http://rtislovakia.blogspot.com
I like Sci-Fi but haven't watched things like the Twilight Zone since I worked as an editor at a TV channel :-)
However, there will be much easier ways soon to watch English language TV in SK very soon. I am not connected to the service, but I am aware that it is being made available to Slovak people. However, it has already received its broadcast licence outside of SK. So it won't have to worry about language law.
And finally, RTI means Radio Tatras International. The international license for RTI is held in the UK by the UK Ltd company. That license is not connected to the Slovak sro. In fact, the UK company issued a license to the sro enabling the sro to use the name and trademarks owned by the UK Ltd company.
I'm certianly NOT saying RTI will return in this form, but an English language station will be back, maybe FM to, in SVK in the next couple of years. It will only take one complaint to the EU, which I will not do, to cause enough problems to make it possible for an English language station to start in SVK with no translation.
I do understand that is not the answer you were hoping to get :-) but the truth is broadcasting in any EU state is no longer controlled by the broadcaster - the listener is the boss.
The RTI Top10 countries listening to the station is such that Slovakis is the number ONE country. Where people were listening via FM there have clearly moved over to the internet - we can see the hour by hour listening.
What is really funny is that we can also see when people at other FM stations are listening :-)

I don't need a translator, I understand English quite well. For example, an hour ago I viewed an episode from the Twilight Zone TV series, which you may know (long live torrents :)) )
However, I do not understand what you are still trying to do. I suppose that RTI finally belongs to the past. If not, please, let us know about your plans concerning radio broadcasting in Slovakia.

If you have not read the statement you can find it here:
There is a google translator, but it's not perfect.

I posted the comment about the RTI Rock show as people were complaining about rock - hope you enjoyed the show.
As far as RTI is concerned Robert, I have no more to add for now. I can share that Slovakia is till the biggest country listening ahead of Poland and the UK. And people are listening for very long periods.
Best Regards
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