Diskusia k téme Vysielanie RTI. Čo si o ňom myslíte?
The reason the satellite is behind the FM is due to the fact the satellite uplink is in the UK, all the RTI digital services are licensed, owned and operated by RTI-UK.
So there is a delay getting the signal to the UK and then a very small delay as the signal goes up and down to the satellite.
It would certainly be faster is RTI was an SK satellite service, but it is aUK service. As with the Internet, RTI plays 12 hours of Slovak and 12 hours of English content. It is just crazy that we can't do the same on FM :-(
To snad nemyslite vazne. Ja som si naivne myslel, ze ste Michaelu stiahli z vysielania a ona je este stale v RTI. Ved to je nepocuvatelny program amaterky, z ktorej nikdy nebude moderatorka.
Oh, come on, Dec 9-th is still far too soon to start playing Christmas music. You are a commercial radio station after all, aren't you?
Tak je to cez satelit spozdené o 26 sekúnd oproti FM.
CHRISTMAS STARTS 09 December on RTI at 12.00noon CET.
Nicola will air the Christmas POWER PLAY CHART signalling the start of Christmas music on RTI.
RTI chose not to play Christmas music weeks before Christmas as it feels Christmas music should be played nearer to Christmas and not as part of an over commercialised Christmas season.
EuroBird1 28,5.E.......
Astra 2 / 28,5 E 12524H 27500 2/3
Dovolim si s tebou nesuhlasit Jarka je skvela , rychlo sa uci a s Misou sa neda porovnavat.. Jarkine vstupy maju hlavu aj patu, o hlase a sposobe reci ani nehovorim.. Myslim si ze nieje fer hadzat ich do jedneho vreca... tolko... Myslim si ze Eric neda velmi na nazor posluchacov, bez urazky, pretoze inak je radio uzasne nehovorim o ludoch ktorí su tam.. :)
I fail to understand why radio stations bother to play 300 tracks day after day. What those stations do is encourage people to make there own radio on an MP3 player. Actually, I should say sorry as we have been close to that whilst on our emergency play out system. But that's only because our emergency system is about as powerful as a home computer.
We do try to give a wide selection of quality music, we cannot please everyone all the time, but what you will get on RTI is something different, something new, something classic and if you want music to jump off the top of the Tatras then listen to something other than RTI. Radio should be fun, exciting, enterataining - the exact opposite of an MP3 player or 300 track radio station.
Najlepšia pestrosť ponuky hudby na slovensku.
I have to say your English is better than the lady on TV right now trying to speak Slovak - actually she sounds a bit like me, woops.
CORRECT Palo, the audio does have some problems on line right now. One problem is we are on back up equipment which means only the FM signal is limited. The other is that we had a similar problem at our Network Centre in London but our head of Transmission, Gus, is working on it.
What I would say is that our online service will not be compressed in the same way as FM is, in fact I changed the FM levels when I took over as it sounded rubbish - the equipment was and is great, just the settings were terrible.
So yes we do know about it and soon it will be limited again, but never compressed like some stations - we like the cleanest audio possible. That is also the same for our Eurobird and Sky Digital services, they are limited but not compressed.
If you want to know when we change things over, I'd welcome your views, send an e-mail to digital@rti.fm and I'll happily share the news with you
Hello. My english is terrible, too:) RTI radio is very good. I live on west Slovakia, i dont listening RTI radio from tuner.. RTI radio have very well sound, from tuner. From internet have not such as from tuner.. Always i go to east Slovakia i listening RTI, because I be pleased, that i will can listening RTI radio from classic FM tuner:)
Can I do, that sound, will be such as from internet, about as from radio (FM tuner)?
Thanks for you answer:)
First my congratulations for trying written English, it's hard and I respect you for trying.
I will take a listen to the logger before making comment. If Misha got something wrong I'll speak to her, if not I won't. I make this point as I was very busy speaking with people and meetings this afternoon. Thank you for the comment, but please do not expect a reply until I have listened.
On a better subject, may I thank all those that listen on line - just one of our online services, we have over 30, has gone over 91,000. I appreciate your support.
Tatranske popoludnie na RTI vysielala Michaela Smolarova. Nechapem Erica, ako mohol nieco take dopustit. Co povie, to je chyba. Eric, nerozumies dobre po slovensky, tak nevies ci sa pomylila, lebo ona sa hned opravi-"tajne sa opravi". PROSIM POVEDZTE NIEKTO ERICOVI ABY MICHAELU UZ NEDAL ZA MIKROFON!!! Ja mu to dam do anglictiny. Michaela je chodiaca katastrofa.
FOR ERIC- Tatras afternoon on RTI moderate Michaela Smolarova.
I don´t see Eric, that he allow this. Wenn Michaela something SPEAK, this is mistake. Eric, you misapprehend good on slovak, so you doesn´t know, that she be wrong, because she correct oneself - "secret repair" !
To answer this comment, there are a number of letters on the RTI web site, and when I get chance there will be many more, which explain why having a good understanding of English is so important to younger people these days.
The owner of a Pension explained that by having RTI on it made non-Slovak tourists feel welcome and gave them a good feeling – that is so important for tourism. Every happy tourist that goes back home and shares the beauty of Slovakia is a great ambassador for the tourist industry.
Also for young people who want to explore opportunities around the world, they do that in the knowledge that they need English.
Anyone who believes younger people don’t need this should look at again. Also the people we wanted to help with English are those now hurt – a budget priced FM radio was a great way to learn. Now that free learning tool has been taken away from those on the lowest income.
Recently, both the Slovak head of State and the British head of State made speeches in BA. They both said they wanted to encourage closer relations between the two countries. That is done by encouraging British business to relocate to Slovakia. RTI has assisted a number of British companies to do that AND generate jobs for SLOVAK citizens. It is also done by ensuring Slovak citizens can gain access to areas in the UK – the reason why I asked Tony Blair, in public as some may recall seeing on several SK TV stations, how he would ensure SLOVAK students would have access to college/university… his answer was very long.
I the areas you can hear RTI in SK there are around 20 other stations people can tune into. Therefore, my advice is to tune away from RTI and enable us to help people who need the help the most, although we currently can’t do that.
And finally, I spent a great deal of time stopping significant journalists publishing stories about the non-English shows on RTI. Had that happened ahead of the Queens visit it would have made the entire EXCELLENT visit look ridiculous and the huge benefit of the visit can be seen by visiting the RTI web site and clicking on the picture of the Queen – WORLD WIDE positive news about Slovakia. SK has a HUGE voice in the world when those that are working to give it that voice are allowed to do that work.
With respect Daniel, I will share the new Saturday line-up with bona-fide journalists first - as a former journalist I know how upset some journalists get if news stories are released on forums first.
You're nearly correct Daniel. Indeed within Slovakia you could say that RTI is a Slovak-English station and I wouldn't argue with that.
However, in the UK where RTI is licensed (as well as in SK) some would argue that RTI is an English-Slovak station.
Now to help those that don't know - RTI holds a broadcast license in the UK which enables it to broadcast on Eurobird and reach millions as a Sky Digital channel. We chose to do this, as many places that Slovak citizens will stay or visit in the UK will have Sky. It then makes access to the station very easy for them.
RTI Ltd also owns and operates all the online services of RTI and holds the European rights to names and trademarks.
Hope the above explains the truth and that it is clear RTI respects both the regulator of the Slovak Republic equally to that of the UK regulator.
Radio Tatras International je Slovensko-Anglické rádio, a riaditeľ je angličan, tak písať sa môže aj po slovensky aj po anglicky.
Radio Tatras International is Slovak-English radio and broadcast director is English, we can write on Slovak and on English.
Saturday broadcasting will be on Slovak or English ??? Who will moderate this show ???
"Kto tu ma citat Vasu anglictinu" - I have advice for you, just dont read it.
Prosim Vas pekne, bud si chodte diskutovat do nejakych americkych alebo anglickych diskusii alebo piste po slovensky. Kto tu ma citat Vasu anglictinu?
As you know there are many shows on Sunday which get HUGE response
Plans for an exciting new Saturday evening are almost ready.
SK: Prečo nemoderuje RTI aj cez víkend, aspoň v SOBOTU? Bolo by to super, keby malo RTI reláciu aj v sobotu! Neplánujete nič také?
Ďakujem za odpoveď!
*** EN: Why RTI don´t moderate too on weekends, minimally on Saturday? It would be super, when RTI moderate on Saturday! You don´t plan this?
Thank you for you answer.
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