Diskusia k téme Vysielanie RTI. Čo si o ňom myslíte?
Vadí mi veľmi zlý výber hudby, je to skôr nekoordinovaný guláš, ale pokrytie majú veľmi dobré-94,2 MHZ Poprad, na tej frekvencii vysielalo radio Rebecca, ktoré bolo vynikajúce, potom bolo tam asi rok ticho až kým sa neobjavili oni.Minule som ich počul v jednom kuse rozprávať angličtinou, neviem pre koho vysielajú keď po anglicky si neviem vypýtať jesť, nie ešte počúvať komplikovaný text, pravdepodobne to vysielajú pre tatranské kamzíky, ktorým je to aj tak jedno ....
http://radiotatrasinternati onal.blogspot.com/
scroll down to
RTI Photo Albums
Have fun
do you mean lot of fun.oh yes for example vlado make in live eter some funny mistakes.whats wrong with him.is he asleep or have some problem at your own home.and what is with lukas ribka.i think when i have listen the saturday brodcast with your daugther katie rti is gong very good way.it was time.ooh yes i know natalia sweet natalia is out of space.is it possible. i think yes.take care mr eric and dont forget your shoes outside the radio. i can hear you.
Sorry English humour in the headline. For everyone else, Natalia has some great work, since she left SK and I wish her good luck with all she is doing.
And because I've had so many questions, there's now a blog with lots of answers - http://ericwiltsher.blogspot.com/
im think this the best thing this time when rti leave behind the nonsense.very good mr whistler.but i dont under stand one thing,why your speakers like vlado vavecak dont take corectly information about groups and name of the songs.ooh yes you dont believe own eyes....
Hello everyone, we've added some more links to the blog including one to Emilija Kokic. The competition page has been updated. Congrats to the winners of our brand new ClockRadios. Another chance to win with me tonight
http://radiotatrasinternati onal.blogspot.com/
Today our info Blog has been updated showing very strong listener figures - these figures come from digital research. There is also a switch to Thursday being the strongest day, lunchtime remains the higher single audience and Martin (SK) is now a big source of listeners to RTI
For those that want to learn more about radio sales, there is also a new rtisales.blogspot.com service
Sho uld you need any contacts for RTI they are now all on-line.
In addition the key contacts for the station are also on-line on the above blog.
Best regards
Hi everyone, because the nice folks at S.T. are doing some service work to the 94.2FM site tomorrow we are taking the opportunity to also do some service work on our main studios.
We should be back with live entertainment programming around 6.00pm - before that we regret it will just be music, a radio version of your CD or MP3 player - sorry.
ahojky v poprade
vcera v reprize top charts 30 vlado vavercak vyhlasil ze helena zetova je z sk black cat....nie nahodoou black milk.a to nie je jeho prvy brept,ked komoli nazvy.a to pracuje v radiu.co za drogy berie.aj ja by som z nich chcela...
This should read:
Whilst I am sure you are NOT meaning this, normally such comments come from people who fear competition.
Hello everyone, we have added more to the blogs including some new transmission info as well as a link to the RTI satellite map, uplinked in the UK.
Thanks for the comments about DJs, and all I'll say is that if RTI was making a specific group of people happy 24/7 it would probably be a very tiny group of people - radio is about a lot of things and also quality variety. If you want to see what the hourly traffic looks like see the info blog for more - please note the times shown are UK so add one hour to make it CET.
If you take the time to look you will see the HIGHEST daily reach is - well take a look for yourselves.
We are also very proud that the only magazine in the UK for Slovak and Czech people have added a link to RTI on there web site - thanks Echo Magazine, nice one. So now we've added a link back to them, even though they didn't ask for one or even tell us about their links.
I'm a bit confused by the BA comment, why would that mess you up - I prefer cleaner words - but as it goes we have lots to focus on now. And anyway that isn't a decision we can make, that decision rests with the regulator. Whilst I am sure you are meaning this, normally such comments come from people who fear competition.
Anyway, time to get on with other things - and may I thank, also, the many SK listeners that offered help to promote the Project Africa initiative, you may be keen to know that RTI received offers of help from places as far away as the USA across to Cyprus and yes people from S.A. were listening as well. I’m sure this type of project broadcast via RTI only serves to demonstrate the UK and SK are very supportive of countries with less than we have.
Ked RTI pojde po Blave (ex BBC) a dostane ju, tak sa z toho uz v tejto republike picnem. Zatial dostali vsetko, co chceli. Ale Blavu uz azda radsej nie.
podla mna misove repky zo zimaku nemaju chybu..vsetko opise, je vidiet ze je fandom kamzikov telom aj dusou...dava si fakt zalezat, podla mna je squely..povie skutocnosti ale nevynecha ani piskosky..
pokial ide o spravarov skoda - su dost oneskoreny
pokial ide o sport - hokej tak sem tam je to fajn
to radio nie je az tak zle postavene,su tam kvalitny ludia,len to chce trochu stavu.
ked porovnas take sity... pocuvanost biedna, ale treba sa pohrat so slovickami a peniazky idu...
a pre rti je blava slusny trh...
mne tam vadi len jedna osobka... Vlado - to jeho varenie je super ale... ostatne... su ludia, co to vedia u nich podat ludskejsim prejavom.
Mozno sa na mna spusti sprska nesuhlasu, ale to je len moj nazor.
ešte doplním, nemyslím si že by RTI išlo dobiť Slovensko. Keď majú pri takom výkonom vysielači počúvanosť takú akú majú, tak asi ťažko.
Tiež si myslím že na tú frekvenciu ktorú používajú, treba mať veľa korún. Asi ju prenechajú niekomu inému, ináč neviem prečo by koordinovali inú frekvenciu. Uvidíme...
nechapem preco RTI koordinuje frekvenciu v Poprade - asi tu, ktoru maju je moc draha a Slovensko sa da dokryt aj mensimi frekvenciami.
tod, zostali volne frekvencie po BBC urcite pre BB a BA by nebolo naskodu v noci RTI ponuka celkom slusnu alternativu! v angline.
http://radiotatrasinternational.blog spot.com/
http://radiotatrasinternat ional.blogspot.com/
Hi All
The blog has now been updated to include the new major advertising contract won by RTI
Also our day out.......
New RTI Blog Now active
http://radiotatrasinternat ional.blogspot.com/
Loads of links, sorry we're still building, but now it will be our main source for sharing news - very exciting news coming in the next few days!!!!!!
odkaz pre mr whistlera .toto co ste mali v svojje talkshow za hosta z ba bolo najhorsie,to radsej tonnyho curry.vraj ma rada iba operu ,jazz a co javiem co.sorry mam rada rti,znesiem aj seventies ale toto bolo od toho hosta moc sebecke.takych ludi zboznujem.podobny blb je aj peter lipa.drzim palce eric,dufam ze mate aj na lepsich hosti...inak tesi ma live vysielanie album zone z pp v sobotu,konnnnnnnecne.len neviem preco davate ze mate zaujem o hosti do what2do,poslem vam tip na martina kittnera a z pp ani bu..zeby platilo zbynovo rodinkarstvo.vasa anita xxx
mile rti
co tu citam o vas je zaujimave,ale prosim aby isti moderatori ako vlado vavercak b,ci lucia čupková a pod,prestaôi komolit nazvy spevakov,napr vlado z spice girls urobil space girls,vidno ze vtedy asi nebol na svete....viem toto nie je Sro,ale cudujem sa ,ze to eric whistler ..nevidi. a to si vlado vravi herec.drzim mu palce,na www youtube .com/rti vyzera ako richard krajco....a ta jeho uchylna kucharka vlado....super.kde na to chodi.zlepsi sa vlado,toto nie je radio tatry.drzim palce.rti needs oxygene,you are the best.vasa anita xxx
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