Diskusia k téme Mobilné siete
Celkový počet poistencov Dôvery so zhubným nádorovým ochorením stúpol za posledných päť rokov o 44%. Z 39-tisíc v roku 2010 na 56-tisíc v roku 2015.
Najdramatickejšie vzrástol výskyt zhubných ochorení medzi mladými ľuďmi od 19 do 29 rokov, a to až o 55%. V kategórii najstarších, teda 70 a viacročných, nárast predstavoval 54%, u 30 až 49 ročných 45%, u 50 až 69 ročných 40% a medzi 15 až 18 ročnými o 25%.
„Nárast sme zaznamenali aj medzi deťmi od 7 do 14 rokov, a to o 19%. Jediná veková kategória, kde výskyt zhubných ochorení posledných päť rokov klesá, sú najmenšie deti od 0 do 6 rokov. Vlani sme mali takýchto poistencov o 20% menej, než v roku 2010,“ uviedol generálny riaditeľ Dôvery Martin Kultan.
Tak pozerám, že vlastne tie "mobile BTS" antény sú interne vertikálnymi sústavami - takže nejaké laloky tam asi budú; zdá sa ale, že fázovo ich (rozumní) výrobcovia smerujú skôr nahor.
Pokiaľ teda Slovák anténu nenamontuje "dolu hlavou", priestor pod ňou by mal byť (relatívne) "bezpečný".
OPROTI ale určite nie - to JE ČERNOBYĽ!
Pole vyžarovania sa na laloky mení len pri vertikálnych sústavách - pri použití 1 antény je homogénne. Pre tieto mobilné technológie sú nasadzované horizontálne sústavy - pre dosiahnutie všesmerovosti; tie žiadne laloky netvoria - pole je homogénne (možno s miernymi fluktuáciami v H rovine).
V betóne je armatúra (roxory) - v závislosti od jej hustoty a vlnovej dĺžky účinkuje ako tienenie; to, mimochodom, platí aj o samotnom betóne (predovšetkým, ak hrúbka muriva je väčšia než dĺžka vlny).
Kontraproduktívne však môže byť to, že armatúra (pravdepodobne) nie je uzemnená, teda absorbované žiarenie môže akumulovať a po nasýtení ďalej vyžarovať (tu jestvuje napr. polemika o neuzemnených satelitných parabolách pri oknách - niektorí užívatelia udávajú ťažkosti so spánkom).
Otázne tiež je, aké (všesmerové) EM pole (nielen VF, ale aj NF - napr. aj 50 Hz) vytvárajú aktívne prvky systému - elektronické zariadenia BTS.
Bývať by som teda pod, ani oproti takejto svini nechcel. Teroristi a vrahovia O2 však dobre vedia, prečo merali POD anténami.
Nie je pravda, ze v byte pod antenou je minimalne ziarenie. Antena sice vyzaruje hlavne vo vodorovnom smere, ale ma aj bocne laloky, Takze v byte pod antenou vznikaju miesta s velmi silnou radiaciou. Navyse beton predstavuje minimalnu ochranu proti ziareniu z BTS. Aby bola ochrana ucinnejsia, muselo by sa pouzit tienenie, napr plech na streche. Si myslim, ze mobilne siete sa daju prevadzkovat aj bezpecne, ale BTS urcite nepatria na strechy obytnych domov.
Kedy sa uz bude pridelovat?
Otaznik, ale ja uz som napisal ze pises vela a mimo, nemusel si mi to znovu dokazovat.
Joel M. Moskowitz
The technology is coming, but contrary to what some people say, there could be health risks
Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents and contain intricate mechanisms for life; EMF exposure can interfere with several cell functions, including cellular homeostasis. At this level, an increase in free radicals may mediate the effect of EMFs and lead to cell growth inhibition, protein misfolding, and DNA breaks.
Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system.
This review concluded that exposure to EMFs results in oxidative stress in many tissues of the body. The results of the studies not only clearly demonstrate that EMF exposure triggers oxidative stress in various tissues, but also that it causes significant changes in levels of blood antioxidant markers.
Effect of GSTM1 and GSTT1 Polymorphisms on Genetic Damage in Humans Populations Exposed to Radiation From Mobile Towers.
116 persons exposed to radiation from mobile towers showed increased levels of DNA damage; there was a significant increase in BMN (buccal cells) frequency and TM value (Tail Moment) in exposed subjects compared with control subjects.
Effects of electromagnetic field exposure on conduction and concentration of voltage gated calcium channels.
Microwave frequency EMFs directly activate the voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in isolated membranes. In the experiment, a range of microwave frequencies were used and each frequency produced VGCC activation. This study clearly shows that the EMF activation of the VGCCs is direct and not due to some indirect regulatory effect.
Exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields emitted from mobile phones induced DNA damage in human ear canal hair follicle cells.
DNA damage indicators were much higher in the exposure groups than in the control subjects. In addition, DNA damage increased with the daily duration of exposure. The researchers pointed out that cellphone users, particularly heavy users, should be made aware of the potentially damaging long term effects.
With over 9 million people estimated to die of cancer in 2019, cancer is at the forefront of our health problems. Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases characterized by the growth of abnormal cells beyond their usual boundaries that can then invade adjoining parts of the body and/or spread to other organs. Radiofrequency (RF) radiation, like that emitted from mobile phones has been classified (2B) as a possible human carcinogen by the WHO, however recent evidence from animal studies has shown a more direct cause for cancers in the brain and heart.
Oxidative mechanisms of biological activity of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation.
Among 100 currently available peer-reviewed studies dealing with oxidative effects of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation (RFR), in general, 93 confirmed that RFR induces oxidative effects in biological systems. This demonstrates that low-intensity RFR is an expressive oxidative agent for living cells with a high pathogenic potentia.
Case-control study of the association between malignant brain tumours diagnosed between 2007 and 2009 and mobile and cordless phone use.
This study confirmed previous results of an association between mobile and cordless phone use and malignant brain tumours. These findings provide support for the hypothesis that RF-EMFs play a role both in the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis.
Report from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation.
A report released from The National Toxicology Program (NTP) under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in USA on the largest ever animal study on cell phone RF radiation and cancer. An significant increased incidence of glioma in the brain and malignant schwannoma in the heart was found in rats exposed to wireless radiation. The control group of rats had zero incidents.
2011 study from the International Journal of Radiation Biology:Blank M., Goodman R., DNA is a Fractal Antenna in Electromagnetic Fields., Int J Radiat Biol., 2011 Apr; 87(4):409-15. Researchers concluded that, “The wide frequency range of interaction with EMF is the functional characteristic of a fractal antenna, and DNA appears to possess the two structural characteristics of fractal antennas, electronic conduction and self-symmetry.
These properties contribute to greater reactivity of DNA with EMF in the environment, and the DNA damage could account for increases in cancer epidemiology, as well as variations in the rate of chemical evolution in early geologic history.”
Because ionizing radiation also causes DNA damage, a biologically based standard related to stimulation of DNA could apply over a much wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum. A safety standard for exposure to a wide range of non-ionizing frequencies can be based on the documented changes in DNA biochemistry that arise from interactions with EMF.”
DNA Damage from Cell towers
Cell Tower Radiation Report Prepared By Prof. Girish Kumar Electrical Engineering Department IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumai – 400 076
Cellular telephone frequencies can lead to damaged DNA. Studies show that microwave exposure at levels below the current FCC exposure standard, produces single and double strand breaks in DNA. EMR causes membrane leakage due to loss of calcium ions. Leaks in the membranes of lysosomes (small bodies in living cells packed with digestive enzymes) release DNAase (an enzyme that destroys DNA), which explains the fragmentation of DNA seen in cells exposed to mobile phone signals.
Microwave radiation can also interfere with the natural processes involved in DNA replication and repair, by subtly altering molecular conformation (architecture). Another possibility of DNA damage is via free radical formation inside cells. Free radicals kill cells by damaging macromolecules, such as DNA, protein and membrane and are shown to be carcinogenic. Several reports have indicated that electromagnetic fields (EMF) enhance free radical activity in cells as shown in Figure 6. The Fenton reaction is a catalytic process of iron to convert hydrogen peroxides, a product of oxidative respiration in the mitochondria, into hydroxyl free radical, which is a very potent and toxic free radical. Thus EMF affects the DNA via an indirect secondary process.
Damage to DNA is a central mechanism for developing tumors and cancer. When the rate of damage to DNA exceeds the rate at which DNA can be repaired, there is the possibility of retaining mutations and initiating cancer. DNA damage in brain cells can affect neurological functions and also possibly lead to neurodegenerative diseases.
Otaznik, pises sice vela, ale v (nielen) tomto pripade aj mimo.
Realne znalosti totiz Wikipediou nedozenies. Radsej sa prosim venuj niecomu comu rozumies - ak samozrejme taka oblast vobec existuje.
Nechapem, naco to adresujes mne.... Ja mam poznatky o vyzarovani, merani... :)
Tvoje telo je na všetkých 5 meraných miestach naraz?
Jediným účelom priemerovania je umelé ZNÍŽENIE NAMERANEJ HODNOTY.
Efektivita beamformingu je determinovaná jednak výpočtovým výkonom stanice, jednak - a to hlavne - SMEROVOSŤOU ANTÉN.
Ak beamforming SW vyhodnotí, že najužitočnejšie bude využiť tú "Tvoju" anténu, potom BEAMFORMING pracuje PROTI TEBE - ak antén je napr. 6, presmerovaním celého výkonu do antény proti Tvojmu oknu dostaneš 6-NÁSOBNÚ DÁVKU ŽIARENIA oproti lineárne všesmerovému vyžarovaniu!
Slopáčiky sú holubičky - vypindajú sa v karčme pri pivečku a idú spinkať. Príklad: SNP - vyhlásili vojnu nikomu, a keď sa na obzore (nečakane) zjavil (nečakaný) nepriateľ, zdrhli do lesa. :-)
Z tej ilustrácie https://www.techbyte.sk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10… musí aj priemerne inteligentný pochopiť, prečo v byte POD je žiarenie najnižšie:
1. Antény smerom nadol a nahor prakticky takmer nič nevyžarujú
2. Byt je tienený železo-betónovou strechou
Predsa len ale sa "experti" Kyslíka "prekecli":
Ak na ulici pod domom úroveň žiarenia je 3,33 V/m (5,5-násobok bytu pod anténou) a na streche šikmo POD anténou je to 16,165 V/m (26,7-násobok tieneného bytu pod), akú dávku dostanú obyvatelia bytu oproti?
A tiež: Akú ODRAZENÚ dávku dostanú obyvatelia bytu pod anténou? Merateľne slabšiu?
Okrem toho, zo zdravotného hľadiska rozhodujúca hodnota SAR sa udáva v 3D jednotke W/kg, nie irelevantnej 2D (povrchovej) V/m - žiarenie sa totiž od pokožky neodráža, ale preniká hlbšie do tela.
S klesajúcou frekvenciou = zväčšujúcou sa dĺžkou vlny penetračná schopnosť žiarenia, samorzejme, rastie. 700 MHz s vlnovou dĺžkou 40 cm a prakticky nepretržitou premávkou na plný výkon - to bude hotový ONKOLOGICKÝ MASAKER.
Hlúpi Laici ste asi Vy. Meranie sa testuje asi v 5 bodoch, z toho 4 sú v priamom žiarení antén a 1 pod strechou, resp. mimo priameho žiarenia antén. Vďaka beamformingu už sa niečo také, ako "v byte oproti" to ide silno, nehrozí.
Študujte a nestagnujte. Overená database to Age je 45 rokov, asi preto také názory na tomto serveri :-)
podiel [%] celkovej počúvanosti
2. + 3. vlna 2024 (kĺzavé dáta)
% populácie SR vo veku 14-79 rokov, počúval včera
% populácie SR vo veku 14-79 rokov, počúval minulý týždeň